
Origin of Left-Handers Day

International Left-Handers Day is celebrated annually on August 13th to raise awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of being left-handed in a predominantly right-handed world. It was first observed in 1976 by Dean R. Campbell, founder of the Lefthanders International Inc.

Advantages of being left-handed

Sure! Left-handed people have many advantages. They have the ability to fully utilize both sides of their brain, making them excel in many areas. Left-handed people are good at intuitive thinking and have artistic talent. In competitive sports that require high nerve reactions, left-handed people can take advantage of their right-brain “neural shortcut” to quickly attack opponents and win by surprise. Especially in the field of mathematics, left-handed people are more prominent. According to scholars at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, left-handed people almost double the number of children with mathematical talent compared to ordinary people.